Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

When to use Cryolipolysis ?

Having a body without unsightly bulges is the dream of many people’men and women who have weight problems. Cryotherapy therefore naturally appeals to more and more people who want to improve their appearance. This cold treatment, once reserved for sports and medical fields, is now widespread in the’beauty world through beauty centers.

L’one of the most widely used techniques in this area is cryolipolysis. What is it?’What does it do in practice and in which cases should it be used? ?

Focus on Cryolipolysis: from its origins to its application

It is’s cooking’It is a technique of aesthetic medicine that originates from the United States where it was experimented by the researcher Rox Anderson and Dr. Manstein. From their analysis of the correlations between fat loss and cold Cryolipolysis was born. Non-invasive, it destroys part of the fat cells by cold. It does not’There is no need for anesthesia or surgery.

C’It is the cold that acts on the bulges by making them disappear or strongly decrease.

This technique owes its effectiveness to its ability to initiate l’apoptosis, or the natural death of fat cells (adipocytes), due to their extreme sensitivity to cold. The latter have a tendency to become less attractive’self-destruct when you have a problem’they are exposed to extreme coolness for a certain period of time. Thus, cryolipolysis consists of blowing air into the skin’cold air on certain areas of the body such as the thighs, buttocks, hips, arms or face.

Such an exposure makes the fat cells go from 34 to -80 degrees Celsius in just a few seconds. This gives a boost of energy’It accelerates the microcirculation of the blood and the fat cells in apoptosis can naturally be eliminated through the lymphatic system. The process is totally painless and without discomfort.

You will only feel a a light sensation of cold and pressure in the treated area.

In which case to resort to cryolipolysis ?

Cryolipolysis has a slimming effect, so you can use it if you want to lose weight or if you want to flatten your bodyôIt is also used to smooth out some unsightly bulges. It is’This technique is in fact intended for people who have relatively minor weight problems, but especially for well-targeted rebel areas and often for those who have a very high risk of losing weight’You will feel a self-destruction when you have a genetic origin such as the saddlebags for example. Diets and sports are often ineffective in these cases.

So that cold treatment According to this specialist in cryolipolysis, it is necessary to have the presence of’a minimum amount of fat. The bulge must therefore measure at least 40 millimeters. The measurement is done with an adipometer. Apart from the saddlebags, the folds of the back (which are not always the same size), there are other areas that can be treated’It is often found underneath the bra), the handles of the body and the arms’Love bumps or double chins can be treated with this method.

The stomach and sub-gluteal folds, the inner and outer thighs, the knees and gynecomastia in men (fat in the pectoral area similar to breasts) are also treated.

In addition, Cryolipolysis also has a toning action on the muscles and helps to get rid of certain skin imperfections such as l’orange peel effect’orange peel effect or stretch marks. The cold stimulates the production of collagen which has a revitalizing effect on the skin.

From the côIt also helps to reduce wrinkles, the appearance of the skin and the appearance of the face’acne and to fight against skin slackening. In one case as in the other’other, fat cells are not affected by the treatment’not be eliminated instantly. It will therefore take about 2 months to see your belly get rid of fat’It takes about 4 months to flatten and eliminate fat from the buttocks and thighs.

cryolipolysis cold treatment

The unwinding of a love affair or a double chin can be a problem’a cryolipolysis session

Cryolipolysis, as previously mentioned, does not cause any fat loss’It is not a surgical operation. It requires neither anesthesia nor incision. The session can be subdivided into three parts, especially when it is necessary to analyze your silhouette and the quality of your skin’It is a question of’a first.

The prerequisites

At the beginning of’During a session, the professional performs a diagnosis that allows him to evaluate the results’The session can be subdivided into three parts, especially when it is necessary to analyze your silhouette and the quality of your skin. This allows him to define precisely the areas to be treated, as well as the depth of the treatment l’fatty clusters. This personalized diagnosis also allows him to determine how many sessions will be necessary to reach your objectives.

Each person is unique and the results are therefore likely to vary according to criteria such as the size of your body’age, the’lifestyle or the ease of losing weight.

In some centers specialized in this field, you can benefit from’A consultation with a nutritionist doctor specializing in cryolipolysis before any procedure. The latter will thus provide you with support and will give you advice on the best way to reduce your fat personalized nutritional advice in order to better optimize the results. A consultation of controlôIt is often recommended to use it after 3 months.

The cold treatment phase

A protective wipe soaked in water is required’an anti-freeze solution is applied to the area to be treated. C’is a protective membrane that helps protect the skin from any burns that may occur. The cryode d’aspiration is then placed on the area to start the session.

They come in various shapes and sizes and are used to treat a variety of conditions’It can be adapted to the natural contours of the body.

L’In order to adapt to the natural contours of the body at a certain age, the device progressively sucks in and cools the fatty bulge throughout the session. At the beginning of the treatment, you may feel intense pressure and cold. However, this sensation disappears quite quickly.

You can adopt a sitting or lying position according to your preference, while listening to music or reading.

The first session of cryolipolysis generally lasts about 45 minutes, with a minimum of two hours an adjustment of the’device at -5°C, sometimes a little higher. For a second session, the duration can be a little longer (1 hour) and the temperature can go down to -7°C to -9°C.

The massage phase

At the end of the session, a gentle massage is performed on the treated area to stimulate the lymphatic system’avoid redness and minor pain that could occur during the treatment. This facilitates blood circulation, which is easier to restore, and also l’elimination of fat cells towards the lymphatic system. Right after this last phase, you are ready to return to your daily activities.

You can even do sports after two hours.

cold slimming treatment cryolipolysis

Some cases of contraindications to cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis presents some contraindications that may affect your health’it is important to know. Everything from’first, should only use cryolipolysis’a person who is in good physical health and who does not need to lose weight’has only a few weight to lose (between 5 and 10 kilos).

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not eligible for this treatment. The same is true for people who have a pathology related to the cold, such as a heart condition or a heart attack’The first factor is that the skin can be damaged by cold urticaria or Raynaud’s disease, as well as those who suffer from other diseases’a hernia.

This cold therapy is also forbidden to people who develop venous or cutaneous circulation problems or who are not familiar with the procedure’The treatment is also useful for those who are about to undergo surgery on the liver’any of the areas to be treated. The same applies to diabetics, those suffering from cancer, and those who have been diagnosed with diabetes’cancer, disorders of the liver’Those who are suffering from immunity, liver problems, those who have a heart condition, those who have a heart condition and those who are in the process of undergoing surgery’a pacemaker or have serious circulatory problems.

If you don’t have’You are not in the massage phase’In any of these cases, make sure you get the right temperature’s agreement before the procedure’In some specialized centers, you can take advantage of the benefits of cryolipolysis to get rid of your fat excess fat and regain a perfect silhouette !

cryolipolysis cold

The cost of’a cryolipolysis session

The cost of the treatment’a cryolipolysis session often depends on two factors. The first is the machine. Different models of machines are used by professionals, some of which involve higher costs than others’investment that will help you’other.

Depending on the type of machine, the temperature can go up or down below -5°C, which means that you don’t have to have multiple sessions to achieve results more quickly.

Apart from this first factor, the price also varies according to the number of areas to be treated (stomach, chin, saddlebags, arms, etc.)…) to obtain a harmonious result. The rate is in fact applied per zone. Thus, in general, the rate varies between 420 and 600 euros per zone.

C’It is therefore the first consultation that will determine the total cost of your cold treatment. Some cosmetic medicine centers offer you payment facilities spread over six months.

Cryolipolysis is a cold treatment, which has become popular today’today unavoidable in aesthetic medicine. C’is a type of cold liposuction that is non-invasive, but particularly effective in melting fat. Painless and fast, it is indicated in cases of minimal weight loss, between 5 and 10 kg.

It is ideal for areas such as the belly, buttocks, buttocks and buttocks’However, it does not have the same effect on the hips, the heart and the lungs’Inner arms and thighs, and cases of saddlebags. In principle, vitamin A’Any healthy adult can benefit from this treatment. However, it does not’Vitamin A is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, diabetics and people suffering from diabetes’a pathology related to cold.

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